Product Details
JemmStat™ Anti-Static Tinsel Bars provide ridged support to copper tinsel. These bars are available in specific lengths from 6” to 96” in 1” increments.
Mount the JemmStat Anti-Static Bar approximately 1/4” to 1/2” above or below the material or substrate to be neutralized using 3/4” long brass studs located at each end of the bar. The bar can be easily mounted by affixing directly to the machine fram, affixing with custom made mount straps, or suspended by chains. Bars over 72” may require additional support at the center of the bar. An additional mount stud has been provided for this purpose.

The JemmStat Tinsel Bar must be grounded. A good ground can be achieved by mounting the bar directly to a metal part of a grounded machine frame or by running a separate copper wire to either end of the JemmStat Tinsel Bar and to an established electrical ground, such as a water pipe, electrical conduit, etc.
Locate the JemmStat Tinsel Bar any place on the machine where static electricity is generated. A typical installation would be 3” to 6” from the break-away point where the material being processed has separated from rollers, grippers, or other points of static generation.

A trial and error method of locating the most effective position can be achieved by fastening a temporary ground wire to one end of the JemmStat Tinsel Bar and holding the bar above the material being processes, by hand.
Replacing the JemmStat Tinsel Insert
When JemmStat Tinsel Inserts have been badly contaminated by adhesives, inks, dirt, etc, they should be replaced in order to maintain the maximum effectiveness of the neutralizer.
To replace the JemmStat Tinsel Insert, back out (half way) the small hold down screws on the side of the JemmStat Tinsel Bar. Unhook the connectors from the tension springs located at each end. Reattach the new insert to the tension springs. Allow insert to lay flat across the length of the JemmStat Tinsel Bar’s U-Channel. With a screwdriver or other narrow tool, start at one end of the channel, and press the core wire of the insert into the channel, approximately every 6” until the complete length of the insert is recessed. Retighten the hold down screws. Remount bar.

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